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Version: 0.1.3


The easiest way to learn the CLI tool commands is to install it and run the following command:

$ cronframe help

This will show us something like:

A Macro Annotation Cron Job Framework with Web Server and CLI Tool.

Usage: cronframe <COMMAND>

start Start the CronFrame Webserver and Job Scheduler in background.
run Run the CronFrame Webserver and Job Scheduler in the terminal.
add Adds a new cli job to a CronFrame instance.
load Load jobs from definition file.
scheduler Perform actions on the scheduler like start and stop
shutdown Shutdown the CronFrame Webserver and Job Scheduler.
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

To get further information about a specific command, say the add command, run:

$ cronframe help add

This will show info about the selected command as in the following example:

Adds a new cli job to a CronFrame instance.

Usage: cronframe add [OPTIONS] [EXPR] [TIMEOUT] [JOB]

[EXPR] The Cron Expression to use for job scheduling.
[TIMEOUT] The value in ms to use for the timeout.
[JOB] The path containing the source code of the job.

-p, --port <VALUE>
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

Create a job_list.txt file inside the .cronframe directory under the user directory for the load command to read jobs from there.

// example of job_list.txt
0 0/5 * * * * 0 path/to/
0 0/5 9-10 * * * 0 path/to/